Shop all The Building Materials

The Reliable Source in Belize For People’s A-Z Needs
Belmopan Aggregates & Hardware (BAH) carries a large selection of building materials and hardware items for big and small jobs. For the home, we stock home and kitchen appliances including fans and lighting products. When it comes to the extension of your home i.e. your yard, we can provide you with the right lawn essentials.

The Reliable Source in Belize For People’s A-Z Needs
Belmopan Aggregates & Hardware (BAH) carries a large selection of building materials and hardware items for big and small jobs. For the home, we stock home and kitchen appliances including fans and lighting products. When it comes to the extension of your home i.e. your yard, we can provide you with the right lawn essentials.
Our Products
When the power goes out, generators are a great source of alternative energy. At BAH, you can purchase an ideal generator to suit your needs. Our generator brands include Generac and Meilun.
We have everything when it comes to home appliances, from the laundry room to the right kitchen appliances. Looking for an air conditioner, refrigerator, oven or television? We’ve got you covered!
We offer all variety of industrial tools in Belize. Buy electric tools, masonry tools, mechanical tools, metalwork tools, woodwork tools & more at the best prices, and get your job done with ease!
Shop plumbing & electrical hardware, plumbing & electrical tools, sinks, toilets, water heaters, water pumps, tubs, all at affordable prices at your one-stop plumbing & electrical store. Now, face all plumbing & electrical problems head on!
Whether it is steel, cement, roofing material, fencing material, insulation or concrete, cement & masonry, we have the building & construction material you’re looking for in Belize.
Shop now.
Belmopan Aggregates & Hardware provides the latest and best in lawn & garden power equipment in Belize. Find push mowers, chain saws, riding mowers, pressure washers
& weed wackers.
From motorcycles, motorcycle parts, helmets to lubricants and automotive oil, at Belmopan Aggregates & Hardware we have all that is on your wish list. Buy with confidence.
Shop for primers, vinyl emulsions, interior & exterior mixable paints in different finishes, Chinese lacquer, varnishes & more, available in large variety of shades, from top brands.
We provide the highest quality reliable solar panels, solar-powered batteries, inverters, charge controllers and solar-powered water heaters. Go green with BAH!
When the power goes out, generators are a great source of alternative energy. At BAH, you can purchase an ideal generator to suit your needs. Our generator brands include Generac and Meilun.
Whether it is steel, cement, roofing material, fencing material, insulation or concrete, cement & masonry, we have the building & construction material you’re looking for in Belize.
Shop now.
We have everything when it comes to home appliances, from the laundry room to the right kitchen appliances. Looking for an air conditioner, refrigerator, oven or television? We’ve got you covered!
Belmopan Aggregates & Hardware provides the latest and best in lawn & garden power equipment in Belize. Find push mowers, chain saws, riding mowers, pressure washers
& weed wackers.
We offer all variety of industrial tools in Belize. Buy electric tools, masonry tools, mechanical tools, metalwork tools, woodwork tools & more at the best prices, and get your job done with ease!
From motorcycles, motorcycle parts, helmets to lubricants and automotive oil, at Belmopan Aggregates & Hardware we have all that is on your wish list. Buy with confidence.
Shop for primers, vinyl emulsions, interior & exterior mixable paints in different finishes, Chinese lacquer, varnishes & more, available in large variety of shades, from top brands.
Shop plumbing & electrical hardware, plumbing & electrical tools, sinks, toilets, water heaters, water pumps, tubs, all at affordable prices at your one-stop plumbing & electrical store. Now, face all plumbing & electrical problems head on!
We provide the highest quality reliable solar panels, solar-powered batteries, inverters, charge controllers and solar-powered water heaters. Go green with BAH!
Featured Products
Power Tools
About Us
Belmopan Aggregates and Hardware (BAH) started its business in 1990 and expanded in 2008. Presently, we sell a huge array of products including building materials, hardware, lawn equipment, motorcycles, electrical, electronic appliances, air conditioning equipment & systems, supplies & parts, tools, etc. You can request delivery of any of our products in to anywhere in Belize. When you buy our products you buy more than just that. We stand behind our products and provide repair services for them. Products that we repair include generators, trimmers, lawnmowers, chainsaws, motorcycles and more.
BAH has a knowledgeable, committed and capable team, the best brands and superb quality products, which is why our company is a preferred source for the people of Belize. Whether you’re looking to renovate your home, buy new electrical appliances, or maintain your garden, we have what you need. Our friendly staff will assist you in finding the perfect products for your construction, home improvement, automotive maintenance and a variety of other tasks. Our years of experience and personalized service differentiate BAH from the rest.